Recent Press and Praise

Jan 24, 2009

Slamdance Ends

It's nearly 2:30 am in Park City. Am I really up this late? Slamdance ended tonight with great fanfare. It was a pleasure being invited and premiering at this festival. They are a rollicking and edgy tribe!

Tomorrow we head for Salt Lake City to fly back to our respective home towns. Yes, we are exhausted but content. We gave Park City every ounce of our energy. It was a fantastic experience few get to have. I'm privileged to be among the few and I know it, especially because we rode in on an elephant with such a great team.

I will blog later on the parties. People look past each other. They never really say "hi". It's entertaining to watch if you don't take it personally.

Onward to Florida Film Festival! (But first, sleep!)

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say that I saw and adored your film at Slamdance. Really hope it gets the distribution and acclaim it so richly deserves!

    Brian Felsen
    President, CD Baby,
